Multi-Content Survival Package – Pillar Post, Lead Magnet, and Email Series

Multi-Content Survival Package

Multi-Content Survival Package

Pillar Post, Lead Magnet, and Email Series

Multi-Content Survival Package

PLR Details

My latest limited to 50 buyers PLR is called Multi-Content Survival Package. This is a content bundle that includes a pillar blog post, a lead magnet and a 5-day email series focusing on helping people with their survival prepper journey. This is a three-pronged approach to draw in traffic, get them on your list and nurture them as subscribers and you can monetize it with various offers every step of the way if you want to. You’ll be able to promote both digital and tangible products throughout each of these content pieces and the topic is perfect timing because this is something on everyone’s mind right now.

This 13-page 6,007-word PLR package covers the following:

Pillar Blog Post: A 7-Step Starter Guide to Survival Prepping

Step #1: Conduct a Likely Survival Risk Assessment
Step #2: Set Both Short and Long-Term Survival Prepping Goals
Step #3: Map Out a Budget and Shopping Strategy for Your Prepping Efforts
Step #4: Assemble Your Family Bug Out Bags
Step #5: Begin Acquiring Your Survival Supplies
Step #6: Carve Out Time to Learn Essential Survival Skills
Step #7: Create a Record for Rotation and Safeguarding of Your Supplies

Lead Magnet: Turn Your Home Into a Secure Fortress in 7 Days

Day 1: Conduct a Home Assessment
Day 2: Reinforce Entry Points
Day 3: Enhance Your Lighting and Surveillance
Day 4: Install Your Alarm Systems
Day 5: Create Secure Storage Solutions
Day 6: Develop Emergency Exit Plans
Day 7: Conduct Periodic Family Drills

5-Day Email Series: 5 Critical Mistakes New Survival Preppers Need to Avoid

Day 1: Having Tunnel Vision When It Comes to Supplies
Day 2: Failing to Learn Skills That Will Supplement Your Gear
Day 3: Only Having a Single Plan for Emergencies
Day 4: Ignoring the Need for a Stealth Approach to Survival Prepping
Day 5: Not Prepping for Mental Fortitude and Physical Fitness

** This PLR comes in both Word and TXT formats

Multi-Content Survival Package Learn more About:

Multi-Content Survival Package

Pillar Post, Lead Magnet, and Email Series