WP Fast Dash WordPress Plugin

WP Fast Dash

WP Fast Dash

Mark Hess’ WP Fast Dash

WP Fast Dash – In 1-Click make your WordPress Admin area blazing fast

A Faster WordPress Site…
Chances are your WordPress admin area is running slow. Like really slow.

How long does it take to bring up your lists of pages, posts, or navigate around your admin dashboard?

Right now you’re wasting more time than you realize waiting for things to load.

It doesn’t have to be like that…

We developed a WordPress plugin from scratch to solve the issue of slow-loading WordPress admin dashboards. It’s called WP Fast Dash.

The plugin works right out of the box to speed up the backend of your WordPress powered sites.

All you need to do is upload the plugin, activate it, click a few checkboxes, and you’re good to go.

Your WordPress admin dashboard will now load everything faster.

We also added something else to this plugin that makes picking up a copy of WP Fast Dash a no-brainer…

This is a ninja WordPress speed tactic most people don’t talk about…

We built-in aa OPcache checker. When you have OPcache activated on your site/server WordPress loads up to 3 times faster (seriously).

In 1-click you can test if OPcache is running on your site. If the test comes back negative, we give you copy & paste text you can use when submitting a support ticket to your web hosting provider to get OPcache activated on your server.

So basically, this plugin is easy DFY speed that won’t break your site.

You seriously need to install WP Fast Dash on ALL of your WordPress powered sites.

WP Fast Dash:

WP Fast Dash

Mark Hess’ WP Fast Dash

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