The Secret of Deliberate Creation – Dr. Robert Anthony

The Secret of Deliberate Creation

The Secret of Deliberate Creation

The Secret of Deliberate Creation

With The Secret of Deliberate Creation you can deliberately create a successful business, more sales, a beautiful home, education for your children, fulfilling relationships AND anything else you desire.

However, Deliberate Creation is not something that you can just accept intellectually. You must ACT on your beliefs.

There are two kinds of people:

Those who play the game of life TO WIN. (Take action on what they KNOW.)

Those who play the game of life NOT TO LOSE. (Keep collecting more information and avoid taking action.)
I fell into the second category for far longer than I care to admit. I had all the information I needed, but I did not take action. So I understand how gathering and learning can FEEL like action even though it’s not. Maybe you’ve been there too?

This is the reason why most people do not have what they want. Their true or hidden goal is to avoid failure and disappointment. So they do nothing. They just read and study and accumulate more information.

You always have a choice. You can play the game of life to AVOID LOSING and live an unstable, stressful life of limitation in which, no matter how much you read and study this stuff, you will never CONSISTENTLY get what you want…


You can play the game of life to WIN and DO WHAT YOU KNOW.

When you do, your life will no longer be about survival, it will be a life of experiencing joy and abundance and creating anything you desire regardless of your current circumstances, the economy or any other perceived obstacle.

Who do you want to be?

This is your personal tipping point and you CAN have that different life IF you act now.

Bonus Gift #1: “Beyond Positive Thinking” ($19.95 Value)

A No-Nonsense Formula For Getting The Results You Want…

“For the first time ever – an advanced success system that never fails” – that is how Dr. Joe Vitale describes this book.

This book reveals a proven advanced formula to achieve all your personal goals and intentions — 100% Guaranteed. 178 pages.

Bonus Gift #2: “Betting on Yourself”
($19.95 Value)

Step-By- Step Strategies For The Total Winner…

The fact is we are ALL gamblers. Any situation that involves financial, physical or emotional risk is a gamble.

This book is focused on winning the most important game of all – the Game of Life. It will give you a new perspective on winning, attracting new opportunities and creating good luck and good fortune. 185 pages.

Bonus Gift #3: “The Ultimate Secrets Of Total Self Confidence” ($12.95 Value)

A Proven Formula That Has Worked For Thousands. Now It Can Work For You…

This is an excellent book for those who want a step-by-step strategy for building self-confidence and creating the life they desire.
This book has been called a modern day version of Napoleon Hill’s – THINK AND GROW RICH. 151 pages.

Bonus Gift #4: “Magic Power of Super Persuasion” ($9.95 Value)

For Top Achievers Who Want To Turn Personal Ideas Into Positive Results…

Eighty five percent of your success depends on your ability to communicate your ideas. This book will help you redesign your communication patterns so that you can express your ideas more effectively.

You will learn how to strengthen your personal power, build trust and credibility, open up closed minds, and much, much more. 154 pages.

Bonus Gift #5: “Doing What You Love, Loving What You Do” ($19.95 Value)

The Ultimate Key To Personal Happiness and Financial Freedom…

The key to happiness and success is following your passion. If you are not following your dream or want to expand on what you already love to do, you will find this book helpful and inspiring.

Be sure to read the last chapter – “A Lesson from Ramon”. I have never met anyone who more clearly exemplifies the principles of success and happiness than Ramon. His words will inspire and motivate you for the rest of your life. 123 pages.

Bonus Gift #6: “How to Make the Impossible Possible” ($19.95 Value)

Turning Your Life Around Through Possibility Thinking…

The interesting thing about life is just when you think you have it figured out, a new lesson presents itself. This book tells us how we create impossible situations and why things go wrong – even when we are positive.

You will discover how to turn any impossible situation into a possible positive outcome. 181 pages.

Bonus Gift #7: “50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life!” ($19.95 Value)

An Indispensable Guide To Happiness and Prosperity…

In this book, there are 50 ideas designed to help you have a clearer picture of how to apply the principles for success.

Each chapter is separate from the other so you can pick it up and put it down at any time. 68 pages.

Learn more About The Secret of Deliberate Creation:

The Secret of Deliberate Creation