The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR

The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR

The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR

84 Vertical Videos, 84 Horizontal Videos

The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR Review, Bonus, OTOs – Vertical Videos PLR Firesale – 84 Vertical Videos, 84 Horizontal Videos

The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR

Emotional Resilience Academy
84 Done-For-You Short Value-Oriented Rebrandable Videos With A Complete Ready-To-Go Training Center That Will Sell To Your List Like A Ninja… All While Your Audience Gets Impactful Short Video Content That No Body Else Is Willing To Do!

Emotional Resilience Academy

This Volume is Jam-packed with 84 Short Videos on 4 In-Demand Topics.

One-Time-Release “Emotional Resilience Academy” PLR Package Includes The Following Modules:

8 RED-HOT Titles

84 Vertical Videos

84 Horizontal Videos

All Editable Files

Turnkey 80+ Video Pages Website

Full Private Label Rights License

And Much More…

Watch Samples of These Clever
Done-For-You Videos In Action!
Vertical Dimension:
(Ideal For TikTok & YouTube Shorts)

Horizontal Dimension:
(Ideal For Your Website or Training Center)

Take a look at these 84 video titles:

1. A life full of Joy

2. Your joy comes from within.

3. Choose to be joyful.

4. Joy comes when you find your purpose.

5. Always seek joy in your present circumstance regardless of what other people are doing.

6. Use the rule of five to one to appreciate what you have in your life.

7. Make it a point to include joy in your growth process.

8. Try to find joy in the work you do.

9. Joy comes from your daily habits.

10. Identify the things that steal your joy.

11. Avoid the things that disturb your peace and steal your joy.

12. Surround yourself with joy to feel joy.

13. Try to always be grateful for your life and what you have.

14. Engage in random acts of kindness.

15. Invest in yourself.

16. There is joy when passion bears fruit.

17. You experience more joy when you take care of yourself.

18. Find humor even when going through the storms.

19. Avoid trying to please everyone.

20. Forget your past and start living in the present.

21. Spend more time working towards your set goals.

22. The Power Of Leadership

23. Develop a growth mindset.

24. To become a genuine leader, you must put your team first.

25. Be selfless and control your greed.

26. Managers rely on their position; leaders rely on their influence.

27. Harness the potential of the people you lead.

28. A true leader has the heart to serve.

29. Build strong teams.

30. Managers dictate, Leaders welcome engagement.

31. Have the ability to develop your strategies.

32. Transparency and accountability is key in positions of leadership.

33. Be a good leader in a crisis and beyond.

34. Leadership is about putting other first.

35. Know your limits and seek help when you need it.

36. Expand your knowledge and develop your skills.

37. Opening lines of communication will help you be an outstanding leader.

38. To become a good leader you need to be confident.

39. Everyone is a leader; you have leadership in you.

40. Leadership requires you to be a person of vision.

41. Lead by persuasion, not by authority.

42. Leadership requires you to be humble.

43. The Power Of Letting Go

44. Letting go starts with the mind.

45 Make a conscious decision to let go.

46. Letting go is good for your health

47. Letting go and stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to grow.

48. Do not give painful seasons of your past the power to hurt your future.

49. Let go of situations that do not enrich you.

50. Free yourself, gain back your life by letting go.

51. There is so much to gain even when you let go of some things.

52. Let go of the people that hurt you.

53. Letting go makes us have healthier and fulfilling relationships

54. Obsessing over a problem can take over your life.

55. Forgive yourself for past mistakes.

56. Refrain from constantly dwelling on the negative.

57. When you feel like you are turning into someone you hate, it is time to make some changes.

58. Get rid of distractions.

59. When you start feeling worthless know it is time to move on.

60. Fear stops you from letting go.

61. Do not worry about things you can’t control.

62. Sometimes letting go of some relationships needs you to give yourself some time.

63. Surround yourself with dreamers, let go of people that hold you back.

64. Developing A Tough Mental

65. Strength in your mind translates to strength in every other area of your life.

66. Be persistent, never take no for an answer.

67. An undefeatable mind will take you far in your pursuit of success.

68. Change your perspective.

69. Align your mind with your passion.

70. You will fail at something and that’s ok.

71. Mental tenacity allows you to achieve your goals

72. Invest in mental strength

73. Mental strength gives you a sense of purpose.

74. Uncomfortable situations help you gain mental strength.

75. Work on your mental health

76. Work out every day to improve your mental tenacity.

77. Boost your self-confidence by channeling a tough mindset.

78. Find time to read.

79. Be Committed to your values and objectives.

80. Quit the habit of pleasing others.

81. Quit dwelling in the past.

82. Find time for solitude and introspection to develop a better mindset.

83. Set daily objectives and fulfill them

84. Get enough rest

The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR

You may ask at first.. what is emotional resilience?

Emotional resilience is a valuable psychological quality that empowers individuals to navigate life’s challenges and adversities with grace and strength.

It encompasses a blend of joy, leadership, letting go, and mental toughness, all of which collectively enable a person to maintain emotional well-being in the face of adversity.

Here comes Emotional Resilience Academy…

Inside this package are well-researched contents related to these interconnected aspects mentioned above and made into short videos that you can sell to your audience. All created by the PLR Experts team from scratch!

They can purchase it at an incredibly low price, and get FULL PLR RIGHTS!

Wait, there’s more:

They’ll also get everything they need to make the most of this package. Along with the 84 videos, they’ll also have full rights to use them, a membership area for delivery, presell pages, optin pages… there’s a LOT of useful stuffs included!

Don’t miss out. Grab it here:

Learn More About The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR:

The Emotional Resilience Academy PLR

84 Vertical Videos, 84 Horizontal Videos