Survival Sanctuary – 25 Essential DIY Projects for Self-Sufficient Living

Survival Sanctuary

Survival Sanctuary

25 Essential DIY Projects for Self-Sufficient Living

Survival Sanctuary

Here’s Just A Glimpse of What You’ll
Find in ‘Survival Sanctuary’:

Survival Sanctuary Book
Survival Sanctuary is a book you’ll want to have close by. On your bookshelf, in your car, or in your bug out.

Drawing on Mark Johnson’s breakthrough S.C.A.R methodology, he “stole” from the US military, to give you the most robust off-grid system imaginable.

Packed full of beginner-friendly DIYs to support your self-reliance. Made from easily salvaged, simple to assemble parts. No special tools needed. Showing you: how to build a root cellar or bunker from scratch; assemble a wind turbine from junk, passively collect, store and purify hundreds of gallons of fresh water; set up a low-space, high-yield farm, and even build a radio from scrap, like pencils and paperclips.

The list goes on!

Just keep in mind what you’ll watch and read below is just the tip of the iceberg and there’s far more locked away inside ‘Survival Sanctuary’

BONUS #1: The Shoe Box Garden
Our first incredible giveaway shows you how to create a steady food supply, even when space is limited. This is especially helpful in urban areas, like the suburbs, or city.

That’s because when a crisis hits, the first thing to vanish is food. Therefore, it’s vital to have a backup. Even a tiny garden the size of a shoebox can make all the difference.

But even if you’re rural-bound, this book is a great guide to get you started with gardening on a small scale.

Or if you have family or friends in the city why not give them this book? When the need arises and food supplies take a hit, they’ll thank you for it!

I gave this book to my sister and now she’s giving me fresh juicy tomatoes every month (they’re great).

The Shoe Box Garden
I’m sure you’re familiar with this expression too:

“An Englishman’s Home is his castle.”

That’s because self-defense is nature’s oldest law. Unless you can deter bad eggs who’d rather take from you than earn for themselves none of your preparations will help. That’s why your second bonus is called:

BONUS #2: My American Castle
This second manual will do two things – educate AND entertain you. Several sections even made me laugh out loud when I read them.

But the techniques inside – straight out of ‘Nam – are no laughing matter…

Read carefully as this Vietnam Vet shows you how to turn your home or bug-out location into an impregnable fortress every roaming bandit or looter will fear.

Covering tips, like the biggest mistakes home invasion victims make, 7 booby traps for home defense, how to build a layered defense system around your home (with counter-defense fortifications, obstacles, and camouflage, inspired by Vietcong tactics), all backed by real-world statistics.

That way you know where to focus. Without waste.

I know one thing for sure… if the kid from Home Alone had read this book, the bad guys in the movie wouldn’t have been back in Home Alone 2…

My American Castle
Another great quote is:

“Two is one, one is none”.

It comes from the military and is about the value of having a backup. That’s why your third bonus is:

BONUS #3: The Home Energy Rescue Plan
Electricity has undeniably improved our lives. Just like fire, or the invention of the wheel…

Without it, life would be tough.

That’s why it’s critical to store it. Ready for downtimes (like when there’s no sun for solar panels) or you’re out of gas.

This way you have power 24/7. Giving you a valuable reserve in an emergency.

And why your final bonus shows you how to build an electrical backup, like those found in hospitals, including which batteries to use in a survival situation… and which to avoid (spoiler: it’s a lot of the modern ones).

With this guide, you’ll be able to jumpstart your energy independence right away!

*All of which are available to download digitally.

Learn more About Survival Sanctuary:

Survival Sanctuary

25 Essential DIY Projects for Self-Sufficient Living