Scissor Skills Bundle Review, Bonus, OTOs From Robert Borsuk

Scissor Skills Bundle

Scissor Skills Bundle

Robert Borsuk’s Scissor Skills Bundle

3 unique programs to help create scissor skill books, printables and physical products

Scissor Skills Bundle

Introducing our Scissor Skills Bundle
a collection of innovative products that will take your creativity, and your profit to the next level

Simply Cutout Crazy
Simply Cutout Crazy allows you to tap into a profitable and less competitive market by creating cutout books and printables with the use of your existing images. The software automatically creates the cutout image in dots, dashes, or solid lines, and with unrestricted rights to the cutout images you create, you can use them in various personal and commercial creations.

Print It Cut It Solve It
Print It Cut It Solve It is a cloud-based software program and training that allows users to create unique puzzles, scissor cutout books, and printables from their existing PNG images. The software automatically creates a unique puzzle for the user by adjusting a few easy settings and pressing a button. The user can then scramble the puzzle using the built-in puzzle scrambler or manually adjust it before downloading it in PNG or PDF format.

Finish The Image
Finish The Image Pro is a software program that allows users to create images where the viewer has to finish the image. Users can upload their favorite image and let the software do the rest, including hiding parts of the image, applying a grid, and more. With Finish The Image Pro, users can create engaging and interactive images for their audiences. The images can also be cutout for fun to assemble puzzles. Whether for personal or commercial use, this software offers a fun and unique way to enhance images and engage viewers.

Scissor Skills Bundle

Use Your Images In A Variety of Personal & Commercial Creations.

Cutout and Scissor Skill Books
Make your own books or add them to your puzzle books that you can sell on Amazon, Etsy, Ebay and others.

Print them out. Use them at baby showers, birthday parties, placemats and more.

Physical Products
Add them to physical products like stickers. They’re great because they have the border needed.

Great for Young and Old
Both young and old like cutouts. Great for hand-eye coordination.

PLR Products
Create your own PLR products. Give them away as lead magnets or sell them for others to use. Your unrestricted license lets you do all that!

And with unlimited cutout, puzzle, and image creation, there are no limits to your earning potential!
Here’s Everything That You Get
(Plus Extra Bonuses)
This Is A Limited Time Bundle Offer

Simply Cutout Crazy [$47+ Value (selling at this price right now)]

Print It Cut It Solve It [$47+ Value(selling at this price right now)]

Finish The Image [Not Sold Separately $??+ Value]

Training on all programs

Private Facebook Group

Support Desk

Special Bundle Price: $34.95

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Scissor Skills Bundle

Robert Borsuk’s Scissor Skills Bundle