Reputation Management & Enhancement Campaign Software – Reputor

Reputation Management & Enhancement Campaign Software


Find Leads, Claim Local Profiles, & Run a Reputation Management Agency

Reputation Management & Enhancement Campaign Software

Reputor is an upgraded cloud suite that manages and enhances any business’s online reputation with advanced, proprietary technology increasing trust, conversions, & leads automatically.

The groundbreaking suite claims finds prequalifed leads, claims local profiles through the ap to manage, and grows with auto-review technology in 6 unique ways.
Finally, everything is here to run a reputation management agency on autopilot.

Local business profiles like GoogleMyBusiness, Yelp, Facebook, etc., are now sending the majority of leads to small businesses due to the ongoing crisis.
That means small businesses will hardly get any leads if they don’t have a stellar online profile reputation with lots of positive reviews.
Plus, since most commerce happens online now, if customers find the small business’s website, they won’t buy from it if their site doesn’t have new reviews and a solid online reputation.
Problem is, reputation management apps that automate tedious yet essential tasks are very costly, and there’s no reputation management PLUS enhancement technology to speak of.
That’s why we’ve continued to build out Reputor for over 3+ years now!
Now you can start a reputation management business that finds prequalified leads, claims local profiles through the app, & grows each profile with new auto-review technology 10xing conversions.

Reputation Management & Enhancement Campaign Software

Reputor Works in 2 Steps:

Step 1. Find Prequalified Leads & Claim Their Profiles for Them

Find prequalified clients that need reputation services with the advanced lead finder. Enter any keyword and Reputor will find clients in your area & land them w/ built-in email marketing tech.

Step 2. Sell Reputation Services 6 Different Ways:

Way #1. Claim & Manage GoogleMyBusiness Profiles

Claim the client’s GMB online profile and fully manage it in the app to rank higher. Edit everything about their profile.

Plus, integrate their Zillow, Yelp, Tripadvisor, FB, & more profiles to manage reviews of.

Way #2. Auto-Capture and Publish Positive Reviews

Capture reviews w/ smart widgets & automatically send them to client’s profiles or online stores like Facebook, GMB, Yelp, Trustpilot, Angie’s, Foursquare, & more.

Way #3. Run Automated Email & SMS Review Campaigns

Capture emails & phone numbers & send broadcast email campaigns for tons of reviews at once.

Way #4. Generate and Sell Print-Ready QR “Review Me” Cards

Generate print-ready “review-me” cards with QR codes on them that business owners can give to customers in-person to generate reviews for their GoogleBusiness, Yelp, or FB listings. Once customers scan the QR code, it will send them to the local profile to leave a review.

Way #5. Thwart Negative Reviews

Get notifications automatically when negative reviews come in so you can quickly reply to them in the app & get the customer to change the rating.

Way #6. Auto-Create Google My Business Local Offers

Reputor is the first to create special ‘local offers’ for clients’ products that appear right on their GoogleMyBusiness listing for more leads & higher ranking.

& many more features like…

Run Email Broadcast Review Campaigns
Rank GoogleMyBusiness Pages into the ‘3 Pack’
Agency Rights + Commercial Rights included
4 Types of Review-Gathering Widgets
Commercial + Agency Rights included
Prequalifed Reputation Lead Finder
DFY Leadmagnets to Land Reputation Clients
What’s New?
LocalReputor was launched two years ago and was the first to include a widget that sent reviews to GMB, FB, & Yelp profiles with lead finder ability. But now, it’s been seriously upgraded with all these NEW features:

Now, It’s Been Upgraded for Both Local & Online Biz w/ ESSENTIAL Features Like:

Run Automated Email Campaigns – users can now capture email leads and send them to review followup sequences

Run Automated SMS Campaigns – users can capture phone numbers, too, & follow up with them via SMS text messaging for reviews anywhere

Bulk Broadcast Reviews – upload the customer list of any business and broadcast messaging with the built-in email marketing technology getting lots of reviews at once

Auto-Notifications of Bad Reviews – Reputor will automatically notify the owner of a local profile or store if a negative review comes in, helping them catch it and change to a positive one fast

Integrate GMB & MORE Local Profiles you can directly integrate GoogleMyBusiness profiles & fully manage everything about them inside Reputor. Plus, add Facebook, Yelp, Tripadvisor, Zillow & more profiles in the app to manage reviews.

Send Reviews to MORE Profiles – directly capture & send reviews to GoogleMyBuisness, Facebook, Yelp, Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Zillow, & more

DFY Template Integration – identify prospects that need local profiles claimed like GoogleMyBusiness & send customized emails we’ve already written that help land them.

Send Reputation Reports – send reputation reports to specific businesses on how well their profiles & store reviews are growing

AgencyRights Now Included – your reputation clients can manage their own campaigns now on the FE version

& far more based on what previous customers said was holding them back from getting clients.

Learn more About Reputor Reputation Management & Enhancement Campaign Software:

Find Leads, Claim Local Profiles, & Run a Reputation Management Agency