Reiki Master Alissa’s Distance Reiki Healing – Clear Negative Energy Blocks & Re-Energize Your Life With Powerful Distance Healing

Reiki Master Alissa’s Distance Reiki Healing

Reiki Master Alissa's Distance Reiki Healing

Clear Negative Energy Blocks & Re-Energize Your Life With Powerful Distance Healing

Reiki Master Alissa’s Distance Reiki Healing

This Powerful Distance Reiki Service Cleanses Negative Energy From Your Aura Wherever You Are In The World…
Flood your life with abundant positive energy by tapping into Alissa’s powerfully healing distance reiki… You’ll feel re-affirmed, recharged, re-energized in your life’s mission!

My potent distance reiki clears blockages caused by events in your past and prevents dark clouds from surrounding you

You’ll immediately feel energized and re-affirmed, claiming back your zest for life from the energy blocks which have been holding you back

Aura healing is an important and powerful part of cutting ties with past trauma so you can start a fresh, clean slate as a new and refreshed YOU

Say NO to old wounds and YES to emotional freedom. My Distance reiki will break you free from emotional baggage and scrub away the ancient scars from your soul

It’s time to turn the page and start a new vibrant chapter in your own life story… simply request your session now and take the first step to moving on…

How It Works…
Turn to Alissa with confidence knowing she will do all the hard work for you…

Book Your Session Today
Click one of the big orange buttons on this page to order & reserve your distance reiki energy healing session by the world famous Alissa.

Distance Reiki works according to an ancient principle called the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that we are all connected, as we are all made of energy and part of a larger whole.

Fill Out Your 3 Details For Alissa
For Alissa to connect with your Aura, she needs three simple ingredients: your name, your date of birth and your location (the same three ingredients used to create your Birth Chart!)

Wait for Alissa to Conduct the Healing
Once your order is confirmed and you’ve sent your details…All you have to do is wait for Alissa to conduct the distance reiki energy healing session & reading.

You will be notified by email when this is done and receive an important video ritual to watch when you are ready.

Feel Your Energy Blocks Melt Away
Get rid of your emotional burden — grief, guilt, stress, and anxiety by healing your aura and clearing out the negative energy brought on by hexes, curses and historic trauma.

Soon after the session, you will start noticing the weight has been lifted off your heart…

You will make peace with the past and feel your energy blocks simply melt away…

You will be grateful to for the life you live today…

And you’ll live your life with more joy than ever before.

Learn more About Reiki Master Alissa’s Distance Reiki Healing:

Reiki Master Alissa's Distance Reiki Healing

Clear Negative Energy Blocks & Re-Energize Your Life With Powerful Distance Healing