Michele’s Secret Formula Book Writing Course – How to Write a Book in 3-30 Days

Michele’s Secret Formula Book Writing Course

Michele's Secret Formula Book Writing Course

How to Write a Book in 3-30 Days

Michele’s Secret Formula Book Writing Course

Welcome to your new journey as a Successful as a Creative Writer. Not too many people know that writing a book can be easy and accomplished in 3-30 days. Most see book writing as this long ardous process which can take years to complete. This true only if you use the old method of writing a book. That’s why I’m excited to share this fun and exciting method with you that can have you write your book faster than you can imagine.

It is a beautiful thing to get your creative mind to bring joy and light to others.

Not only do you bring joy to others, you will also:

Be Seen as an Expert in Your Field
See Opportunities Open Up
Watch Your Credibility Skyrocket
Gain Respect from Your Peers, Family and Friends
Enter a World of Creativity
Discovery How Easy It is To Write a Book
Write Mulitple Books
Even if you have this course simply to become better with marketing and blog writing, my prayer is that there may be an increase of inspiration, abundance and joy into your wonderful life and that all of your life experiences be harmonious, happy and prosperous.

Michele’s Secret Formula Book Writing Course


This is an exercise of creativity, you will not be thinking about the content or the length of your book. Finding your area of expertise and do this quickly)

Exercise of Creation
Opening up the Portals of Your Imagination to Your Life Experience
Using Your Creative Juices
Getting Clear on What You Will Write About(Some of you may have had a previous area of what you want to write, but now you will be adding more clarity and creativity)
Your Life Experiences
Your Book Titles(including subtitles)


I’m going to share with you on how to write a book, IS so SIMPLE. It came to me back when I wrote my first book, as I could not type. I just find it so EASY to write a book or an audio program this way.

A stimulating Table of Contents
Your Chapters of Your Table of Contents
The Secret to QUICKLY Fill Each of the Chapters with Your Information
What Most People Do to Stop Their Natural, Creative Flow
Writing in Ways the Reader Will LOVE Your Book
And more…


Storyboard all your characters. What type of characters they are, their characteristics, what type of personalities and looks? Allow the story to take on its own vision and flow.

Your Working Book Title
Mind Mapping Process
Characters, Timeframe, Plot
Using Words that Are Visual
And more…

Learn more About Michele’s Secret Formula Book Writing Course:

Michele's Secret Formula Book Writing Course

How to Write a Book in 3-30 Days

Michele’s Secret Formula Book Writing Course, how to write a book, book writing, book writing course, write a book in 3 days,