Marlon Sanders created this for you from his heart – 4-step method to erase money worries

Marlon Sanders created this for you from his heart

4-step method to erase money worries

Marlon Sanders created this for you from his heart

Marlon Sanders has a close friend who
fell on hard times due to life’s circumstances.

Marlon texted him a 4-step method to erase his
money worries. No product creation. No
employees. No partners.

None of the stuff you dislike or feel you
can’t do.

Simple and actionable.

He made a product out of it for you that
in my opinion simply rocks and every
single one of my customers would be
better off if they had it and used it.

Marlon truly created this for you from his
heart. I hope you get it and use it.

You’ll be better off for it.

Make Money With Marlon Sanders!


What’s kinda cool about The Writer’s Secret is you can make 6 kinds of money that you use for DIFFERENT purposes:

1. Gravy Train Money

This is writing and selling ebooks.
It’s simple and fun for me. If it isn’t for you, you can choose an alternative. I personally like finding new, interesting ideas that solve problems or help people get results and then writing about them.
But I enjoy researching.

2. Debt Liquidation Money
This is the money you get when you sell upsells that are a bundle of your prior products at a discount. This is money you apply toward debt liquidation.

3. Cover all your bills each month money
You do this with a membership site.
You don’t HAVE to have a membership site. But it’s really useful because you get the recurring billing money coming in every month. And since you have bills coming in every month, it’s comforting to know you have income coming in to match the bills you have.

4. Fun money
Fun money is whatever else you do during the month that generates money. Fun money can pay for toys, vacations, fancy cars or whatever you want. Your own imagination is the only limit. You can create and sell webinars, promote affiliate products, promote other recurring billing membership sites, or create and sell more in-depth training programs.

4a. 4-6 week webinars on my new ebooks
This is great because you’re still excited about the topic and the people buying from you are also excited about the topic.
I charge $297 to $697 for these. But $199 isn’t bad. It’s easy money. You hop on a webinar and talk for an hour with a few power point slides. Then answer some questions. It’s really a no-brainer. And you can record it and sell the recordings later.

4b. 90 minute – 2 hour one-time webinars
You can sell these for $50 to $100, or more if you have a really hot topic

5. Future Savings Money
You can pump out a promotion for your webinars to your resellers and get a nice bump in income. You toss this money right into your retirement or savings account.

6. Gusher Money To Buy Cars or Toys With
I’ll explain in a minute how you can get lucky and hit a “gusher.” If you do, then that is money over and above all other money. You can’t count on hitting a gusher. It’s a hit and miss thing. And most of the time you’ll miss. But if and when it happens, and it has happened for me more than once, it’s a GREAT thing!

I used one “Gusher” in the amount of $25,000 cash windfall to pay off some IRS debt, credit card debt and had money left over for other stuff.

Marlon Sanders created this for you from his heart Upgrades (OTOs)

OTO 1: Book of Secrets – $47

OTO 2: Fail Safe System for $197

OTO 3: Overwhelm Cure

Marlon Sanders discount Coupon Cide
4-step method to erase money worries