For All Spiritual Seekers – Rare Chance To Experience The Benefits Of The Mala

For All Spiritual Seekers

For All Spiritual Seekers

Rare Chance To Experience The Benefits Of The Mala

For All Spiritual Seekers

Here’s The Scoop

I don’t know about you, but if you’ve been feeling blocked…out of balance…worried about everything seemingly for no reason…or even like YOU are the one sabotaging your own wellbeing…

You’re not alone.

We’ve all felt this way at some time or another (yep, us too 😉 but the WORST thing about it is…

When you’ve tried everything you know to try to feel better and make these terrible doubts and insecurities go away…and nothing works!

(Or at least not for good. Oh, you may feel “better” for awhile – but then the needless fears and worries creep back in, sneakily, relentlessly)…Ugh.

Why is this?

Listen closely, because I’m going to let you in on a secret.

Everything you’re experiencing right now…the relentless worrying, the self-doubt, the way you keep doing things you KNOW aren’t the best thing for you but can’t seem to stop…

Here’s What You Need To Know About Your Root Chakra or “Muladhara”

Your Muladhara governs your family ties and feelings of survival, belonging, and guardedness.
Your earliest memories are stored there (including whether or not your basic needs were met).
When it is blocked or out of balance, you can become needy, have low self-esteem, or have self-destructive behaviors.
When your Muladhara is in balance, you feel strong and confident; you can stand up on your own two feet and take care of yourself!
“So… Okay,” you may be wondering… “Great. My Root Chakra is out of balance. What does this have to do with the most beautiful Mala in the world?”

Here’s the connection.

A Mala is a beaded rosary or string of prayer beads used during chanting or meditation. They are employed to focus one’s awareness and concentration during spiritual practice.

Though the number of beads varies from mala to mala, the most common ones are the 108 bead full Mala and the 27 bead wrist mala (4 X 27 = 108).

In addition, the Malas always have a larger, more decorative meru (guru bead) and a spacer bead.

Additional silver or gold counters are attached to keep track of the hundreds and thousands of bhums (repetitions of 108).

A burgundy or maroon cord threads the beads together and also symbolizes the unbroken lineage teachings and bloodline of the Buddha.

The way that you use a Mala is that you hold it in your left (receiving) hand, with the beads between your index finger and thumb.

Then, you count mantra recitations and focus your concentration on what you want to achieve during practice.

*(Counting mantras with your Mala occupies the hand/body, reciting mantra occupies the voice, and visualization of the deity occupies the mind).

By focusing these three aspects of yourself onto the practice at once, the benefits are multiplied and the spiritual merit accumulates…

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For All Spiritual Seekers

Rare Chance To Experience The Benefits Of The Mala