Fixing Elbow Pain – Killer Product for Exercise Enthusiasts and Hard Gainers

Fixing Elbow Pain

Fixing Elbow Pain

Killer Product for Exercise Enthusiasts and Hard Gainers

Fixing Elbow Pain

How the Fixing Elbow Pain System
Will Help You:

Component #1: Rehab of Lateral Elbow Pain ($39 Value)

In this component, Rick will show you what you need to do for lateral elbow pain.

It’s as if you’re in an appointment with Rick, as he takes you by the hand and explains everything you need to know about lateral elbow pain. He shows you the components of the Fixing Lateral Elbow Pain system in order to give you pain relief.

Rick will take the time to explain things in a way that you will understand and show you what you need to do, to get the most out of the exercises.

The first time you see this, you will see how different this program is from anything you have seen or any appointments you have attended for your pain.

Component #2: Rehab of Medial Elbow Pain ($39 Value)

When medial elbow pain hits, you always ask yourself, “What can I do to get rid of this?” Rick shows you what you can do.

Rick will show you the exercises to focus on and how to build a compounding pain relief effect from the exercises.

You will also see how easy it is to perform medial elbow pain relieving exercises and how little equipment you need.

Next, he will show you specific things to look for when doing activities that are known to cause forearm pain and how you can avoid them.

Component #3: Prevention Measures for Avoiding Elbow Injuries ($29 Value)

In this section, I will cover the best ways to keep injuries from taking place, showing you how to be pro-active without having to sacrifice training time or results – in fact, your results will be even better.

Pre-Activity Injury Prevention: We will look at how to get ready for sports, training, and other demanding activities just by including a proper warm-up. I’ll show you exactly how to do this effective warm-up to get blood flowing throughout the entire body, into the core, and out to the lower arms, helping you get primed for awesome workouts, big games, and any other time performance counts!

During-Activity Prevention Measures: You work hard, you practice hard, you play hard, and you train hard. I will show you how to keep on doing all of these things at a top level, by keeping an eye on certain risk factors that you are probably ignoring right now. Get ready to turn it up a notch, SAFELY.

Post-Activity Prevention Measures: This section is all about the Recovery Process. I will show you how you can jump-start the recovery process by reducing the tension stored in the muscles and tendons following a workout with a short battery of stretches I have found to be very helpful to me over the years.

Component #4: Pre-habilitation of the Elbow ($47 Value)

Effective Pre-habilitation for the Elbow Area and Forearms comes down to three types of training: Antagonistic Balance, Rotation Training, and Increasing Blood Flow.

Antagonistic Balance: This is just a fancy way of talking about training the extensors effectively. By strengthening the extensors, the muscles on the back of the forearm that open the hand, we are better able to maintain balance between them and the opposing muscle group, the flexors – the muscles on the bottom of the forearm that close the hand. These exercises are easy to perform, cost very little to incorporate, and you can build most of them yourself.

Rotation Training: By training the forearm rotators, we are able to strengthen the muscles that turn the forearm – muscles that are often completely neglected in forearm training, which results in weakness and susceptibility to injury. These are more simple exercises that you can begin doing with no problem at all.

Increasing Blood Flow: Blood brings nutrients to repair damaged tissue and helps carry away contaminants. You will learn 5 new exercises that you can do that will help promote circulation to the elbow area in order to keep it going strong.

Throughout This Entire Manual, Each Exercise Comes with Illustrations and Guidance for Volume and Frequency of Training – All the Work is Already Done for You!

These are the kinds of things YOU will experience as well:

You will be able to move without pain so you can lift things without being in pain or discomfort.
You will be able to use your arm freely again without worrying if the pain is going to come back every time you open a door or fold laundry.
Your forearm pain will be gone so you can lift your child up without wincing in pain.
You will get better sleep and feel more rested because your nights will be peaceful again and free of pain every time you switch positions in bed.
You will be able to do your day-to-day tasks at your job without having to worry about dropping things every time you pick something up.
You will be able to go through the day with confidence instead of dreading pain every time you lift, push, or pull something.
You will be able to see progress in your sports and strength training because you’ll no longer be hindered by the aggravating pain in your forearm, every time you bend or straighten your elbow.

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Fixing Elbow Pain

Killer Product for Exercise Enthusiasts and Hard Gainers