Effortless Plumber Consulting From Luther Landro

Effortless Plumber Consulting

Effortless Plumber Consulting

Luther Landro’s Effortless Plumber Consulting

How a stay-at-home mom built $216,000/year business from home.

Effortless Plumber Consulting

Case study: Stay-at-home mom builds
$216,000/year business in 3 weeks offering
a new Google Service to local plumbers

13 local plumbers paying her $500 per month
to manage Google’s new
click to call service
for them.

She has expanded the services she offers and is now earning $18000 per month from those plumbers

Effortless Plumber Consulting

It took her 3 weeks of cold emailing to get all set up

But Luther is going to shortcut teh entire process, giving you the emails, the entire kit, including DFY instructions to do everything, just like an old pro, right from the start!

Learn More About Effortless Plumber Consulting:

Watch the amazing case study on the next page!

Effortless Plumber Consulting

Luther Landro’s Effortless Plumber Consulting