Don’t Let Doom-Scrolling Destroy Your Focus

Don’t Let Doom-Scrolling Destroy Your Focus

Don't Let Doom-Scrolling Destroy Your Focus

Limit 50 PLR

Don’t Let Doom-Scrolling Destroy Your Focus

PLR Details

My latest limited to 50 buyers PLR is called Don’t Let Doom-Scrolling Destroy Your Focus. This is a pillar blog post (or however you want to use it) that explains how today’s news and social media are geared towards keeping people glued to their content by publishing alarming, negative stories that people feel compelled to watch, ultimately pulling you away from what you should be doing. It prevent people from achieving their goals because they’re not being mindful about what they’re immersed in. While they should be excited, motivated and productive, they’re stuck feeling hopeless, irritated and unsafe. This can affect you both personally and professionally but it has to be dealt with strategically.

This 2+ page, 1,001-word PLR covers the following:

– The Inherent Appeal of Negativity Online
– Suffering the Consequences of Doom Scrolling
– How Free Yourself From a Doom Addiction

** This PLR comes in both Word and TXT formats

Free Graphic

I’ve included a PNG file that you can use in your marketing.

Ideas for Using This Content

Put your name on it and use it as a lead magnet to build a list…

Break it up into individual blog posts…

Use it as a series of autoresponder emails to educate and inform your audience…

Add your affiliate links to it to earn commissions on digital and tangible products…

Expand on it and turn it into an info product of your own…

Use it as a transcript for a podcast…

Use it as a transcript for a video or series…

Put it into a PowerPoint presentation and record a class or webinar about it…

and more!

Learn more About Don’t Let Doom-Scrolling Destroy Your Focus:

Don't Let Doom-Scrolling Destroy Your Focus

Limit 50 PLR