$9 SALE: Facebook Video Raider – End of summer sale From Luther Landro

Facebook Video Raider

Facebook Video Raider

End of summer sale From Luther Landro

Email from Luther Landro:

under-served market filled with eager $500/week clients?

Local mom and pop businesses have a big problem…

Right now the most profitable way for a local business to generate new customers is through Facebook’s ‘video lead ad’ service.

This service generates leads in two taps right inside a Facebook video without even needing a landing page.

The problem is that most video production costs thousands of dollars.

Take a look at the pricing I’ve been quoted when shopping a few video marketing agencies:

It costs thousands of dollars to produce a single video, and thousands more to hire an agency to take that video and turn it into a proper Facebook ad.

Sure, larger companies are more than willing to pay these fees for their video ads however it’s way outside the price range of smaller mom and pop businesses.

Even worse, small businesses usually need to produce a new video ad every week in order to keep their promotions fresh.

Think about it: Most businesses have a new promotion, holiday, sale, or event each week that they want to promote on Facebook…

Not to mention needing new ads to combat ad fatigue (a common problem with local businesses who have a smaller, localized audience to target)

I’ve been offering full-service video ad creation for a flat $500 fee and business owners have been lining up around the block to hire me. I’ve been closing 1 in 3 after a single demonstration in some areas, and 1 in 5 in bigger cities like New York.

The best part is the video creation and ad set up take about an hour and gives you the opportunity to sell more services like ad management, lead management, and a few other crucial offers that biz owners LOVE (find out how I collect $6,000 per month form each client here).

YOU can start collecting $500 a week offering this to businesses in your area and building a 6 figure Facebook ad agency in just a few months.

Get the details here: >>> This under-served market is filled with clients eager to pay $500/week

Facebook Video Raider

$9 End Of Summer Sale!
Biz owners are paying
$500 Per Week
For a new service that steals leads
from Facebook videos in two taps…

Step 1: Tap the video:

Step 2: Click submit:

‘Video Lead Ads’ are the new way to advertise on Facebook.
Using video on Facebook increases engagement with ads and posts, while this new service dramatically lowers the cost of generating leads and sales from Facebook ads.

Bottom line: Facebook Video Lead ads are the future.

Businesses that have gotten in early on this service have been earning fortunes generating leads directly from Facebook videos:

Facebook Video Raider

With no affordable solutions for small business owners, this creates a massive opportunity for local consultants who can create simple and fun videos.

For every major national brand that will pay $5,000 to produce a single ad video, there are hundreds of small, local businesses that would pay $500 for a simple ad video that generates leads and customers.

These low-hanging-fruit business owners are a goldmine.

Now is the perfect time to start a Facebook Video Marketing agency.

Learn more About Facebook Video Raider :

Facebook Video Raider From Luther Landro

Facebook Video Raider

End of summer sale From Luther Landro