2-Click AI & 2-Click GPT

2-Click AI & 2-Click GPT

2-Click AI & 2-Click GPT

AI and Chat-GPT Software, Tools, Templates & Training

2-Click AI & 2-Click GPT

Here’s what you get with 2-Click AI…

> 5-in-1 automated AI software – 4x DFY AI softwares in ONE suite! All YOU need to do is copy and paste text from somewhere (your website, Google News, Twitter, an affiliate link), and paste it into one of the 5x AI tools. Then, my software wraps one of 50+ ultra-advanced “AI prompts” around the text you just pasted, and you can then profit with Chat-GPT 3.5/4, Dall-E, MidJourney & RunWay ML.

You haven’t used these AIs before – and NOT like this! All YOU need to do is choose the AI… PASTE some text in and my AI suite literally does the rest.

I’ve made over $100/day, $400/day.. even $2500/day ()! with these AI prompts, and all you have to do is paste some text in to create the same assets as me.

> Anything else included? Yeah as well as the 4x software tools (which are the main event here), we also include training videos, PDF downloads + constant updates.

In short, 2-Click-AI really is THE complete suite to profit in the coming AI wars of 2023. Weapon up lads, it’s gonna be a mad decade…

2-Click AI & 2-Click GPT Upgrades (OTOs)

Frontend – 2-Click AI – $15-23 (hourly dimesale!)
The core software suite, that lets people profit… with 4x AIs, with dozens of preloaded commands – and full training on how I use these exact AIs to bank $100 to $3,000 per day.. In ways that no-one else knows about! Profit with not just Chat-GPT, but also MidJourney, Dall-E and RunML! It’s as DONE FOR YOU as AI profiteering can get! This all-in-one suite uses FOURAI’s to let you automate ALL of the core moneymaking systems which made us $100, $400.. even $2,000 per day.

Upsell1 – DFY NFT Pro/Unlimited Edition – $47
Firstly, unlock the ability to run even more prompts and even longer prompts – increasing the speed and potential profits by 500%! Second, access 5x extra profitable prompt sequences and systems that aren’t included in the front-end. The front-end makes me $400/day, but I’ve made as much as $5,000 per day with these!

Upsell2 – Prompt Reseller Package – $97
Learn how the new AI goldrush isn’t software, or even AI. It’s the PROMPTs that power them. In this insano course I explain how anyone can sell AI prompts, purely within Chat-GPT. This is exclusive information I haven’t seen anyone talk about.. And it’s making me $1,000+ per day!

Upsell3 – Video Maestro – $97
Most of my videos are simple “basic” stock-footage from royalty-free sites. BUT around 5-10% of the work is done using AI and this transforms BORING 2009 videos into ahead-of-the-game 2025 vids. Learn exactly what those tools are.. And how I use them in this exclusive course.

Upsell4- AI Whisperer GOLD EDITION – $17
I had to include this here. Really at this point everyone should have AI Whisperer, but on the off chance someone didn’t, the guilt of them not having the de facto primer on generative-AI would send me into a depression. Offered here at a small ticket with some extra bells and whistles. As a kind thank you to all the affiliates who promoted Whisperer v1, and since I want as many people to get this as possible, this will pay out 90% commissions.

Upsell5 – Push Pro AI Edition – $97
Your very own push auto-responder… but powered by AI? YES! Build unlimited leads of web push subscribers then use AI to turn any website into a web push subscription.

Learn more About 2-Click AI & 2-Click GPT:

2-Click AI & 2-Click GPT

AI and Chat-GPT Software, Tools, Templates & Training

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