The Doctor’s Book of Home Survival Remedies – Surprising Remedies To Use Without Leaving Home

The Doctor’s Book of Home Survival Remedies

The Doctor's Book of Home Survival Remedies

Surprising Remedies To Use Without Leaving Home

The Doctor’s Book of Home Survival Remedies

Most books in this category are designed to help us overcome small ailments. Things like getting better sleep or getting rid of a sore tummy.

Yes, there are other books that do give information about how to look after your own health. But none of those books, to my knowledge, were written by a doctor.

In other words, The Doctor’s Book of Home Survival Remediesis the ONLY book that says what to do to stay healthy at home … that is written by a doctor, Patriot, and Survival expert.

But what if the clinic is closed and we can’t get our routine medical tests?

There are some ways we can possibly spot trouble at home.

The book is nearly 500 pages.

It’s chock full of inexpensive but effective, natural alternatives to traditional health care.

But the book doesn’t have to be read cover to cover.

It’s meant to be a reference book that you’ll return to again and again.

Most of all, the book helps prepare for a day when people can’t or won’t seek conventional medicine attention.

The Doctor’s Book of Home Survival Remedies Bonuses

BONUS REPORT #1 is called
The Doctor’s Book of
100 Delicious Healthy Recipes
I’ve put together a list of 100 delicious recipes to support those with conditions like: Arthritis, Back pain, Blood pressure, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Infections, Osteoporosis and many more.

For each condition you’ll learn what foods are recommended and what is to be avoided.

You’ll discover simple step-by-step instructions to prepare healthy and tasty steaks, soups, salads, smoothies, pastas, risottos and more.

The Doctor’s Book of 100 Delicious Helthy Recipes Cover

The Doctor’s List of Food as Medicine
This List is designed to help eliminate the confusing questions of “What should I eat?” or “What foods should I NOT eat?”

This simple but powerful list is designed to help anyone discover exactly what foods help promote healing in the body.

This is a must for anyone with a passion for living their best independently-healthy life.

The Doctor’s List of Food as Medicine Cover
I’ve also included a whole section dedicated to foods rich in antioxidants.

These are foods that naturally detox the cells in our bodies so our organs function as they’re designed.

The Doctor’s Book of Home Triage
Do you know the 7 principles of saving a man’s life? If you don’t, maybe it wouldn’t hurt if you read this.

Broken bones, burns, skin infections, back pain, abdominal pain, plus cuts and contusions.

What should you do?

What shouldn’t you do?

Every family should have access to competent triage and treatment strategies if an ER is inaccessible.

This could be due to a blackout, a natural disaster or even rural travel.
Or if someone simply never wants to set foot in one of those germ-filled wards.

The Doctor’s Book of Home Emergency Room Triage
This book is designed to give any family the tools they need to successfully triage and treat the conditions that typically require an ER visit. It’s a true life-saver.

These 3 Special Reports are free to anyone who completes their order today.

Learn more About The Doctor’s Book of Home Survival Remedies:

Surprising Remedies To Use Without Leaving Home